Move Multiple Folders In Outlook 2010

  1. Creating Folders In Outlook 2010

An added complexity to this is when you’re moving to a newer or later version of Microsoft Outlook, let’s say from Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2010 or 2013. Unlike your other files, moving Outlook data isn’t as straightforward as copying and pasting the files from the old to the new computer. It’s not complicated, but it does take some effort. Sounds strange, but you have to change the view to do this in Outlook 2010. Click the 'Contacts' button on your left side in Outlook. Click the 'View' tab at the very top in Outlook, then click the 'Change View' in the upper left corner, then click 'List' now you can see more contacts at once, and have the ability to click on one (Or hold control to select a bunch as you would for files) then. I want thus to move all emails, with a specific subject, from the inbox to another folder within the inbox called PARTENA. Here's the code below: #Outlook COM Object how I connect to outlook. Copy and move via folder selection dialog. If you are not moving/copying folders and/or you are not fond of using drag and drop, then you can also use the “Move to Folder” and a “Copy to Folder” option. When selecting this option, a dialog will appear in which you can select the folder to move/copy the items to. To view all Outlook 2010 training videos available, visit.

I was doing a recent migration of email from Windows Live Mail (WLM) to Outlook 2013. The built in transfer within WLM worked perfectly in moving folders over to Outlook with one exception. This customer has two mail accounts created in Outlook, and the folders being transferred over from WLM needed to go into the second (non-default) email account.

No problem, I thought. I’ll transfer them over to Outlook, and then drag and drop the folders from the default mail account to the second mail account.

But Outlook does not support selecting and moving multiple folders, and this customer had several dozen mail folders to be moved. I wanted to see if there was a workaround or a fix for moving multiple folders within Outlook, and I found Pandali Folder Master for Outlook utility.

Show folders in outlook 2010

I ran this on the customer’s Windows 8.1 laptop, and quickly moved the folders to the proper account.

Creating Folders In Outlook 2010

In summary, I was very surprised that the WLM to Outlook transfer worked without a hitch, and that this utility program took care of getting multiple folbers moved to the right email account.